New York women are going crazy over wine these days. No, it is not what you are thinking. This frenzy is due to wine therapy, the new beauty sensation in the New York’s spas to preserve skin beauty with products made out of wine.
Wine is great for skin because it contains antioxidants, and as we know, antioxidants are just what we need to prevent aging, since it helps you feel good in the inside as the outside.
When you come to a spa for wine therapy the first thing you will experience is a wine face pack. Red wine is good for your hair and white wine is for clearing skin and make it glow.
The latter makes all ladies jump into a white wine bath to extend the effects of their wine treatment. At the end of the session, most clients take home wine creams made of the skin and seeds of grapes grapevine leaves extract.
Wine therapy was born in France in the late 90’s and nowadays it is famous all around the world.
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