June 29, 2008

Celebrity beauty secrets: Demi Moore

If you ever watched Charlie's Angels Full Throttle one of the most astounding moments of the flick –probably the best- is when Demi Moore comes out of the sea looking incredibly fit and slim as Cameron, Lucy and Drew.

And how does a 45-year-old mother of three manage to look that way? Plastic surgery, much? Of course, cosmetic surgery has a LOT to do with it, but surgery can’t last forever babies.

Therefore, empowered celebrities as Demi turn to all the possible beauty treatments to keep their overall anatomies healthy and toned. But our friend Demi has gone –far- beyond the traditional spa and cosmetic treatments and tried out and outrageous one: leeches!

Yup, Demi Moore turns to leeches as beauty and blood detoxicating treatment: that must hurt, but at least it seems to work for her.

She went to Austria looking for a natural beauty treatment that consisted on getting stung by bloodsucking leeches. But don’t think wrong: Demi’s leeches are not any kind of leeches; they are medically trained animals that contain an enzyme that is good for your blood.


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