If you have ever got embarrassed because someone noticed your elbows and knees were dry and rough, then girl you have to follow these tips to recover their silky smoothness and softness and feel confident again:
Soak up 4 pieces of cotton in slightly warm olive oil and paste each one over your elbows and knees for 5 minutes. Then rinse off with plenty of water, dry and apply a good moisturizing cream.
- Prepare a moisturizing cream with 1 tablespoon of butter, ½ teaspoon of fine marine salt and another one of almond oil. Apply it with circular movements, let it set in for 5 minutes and wash thoroughly.
- Mix lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of sugar, apply and let set in for half an hour.
- Cut 2 lemons in two, put each half under each elbow and knee and let them there for 10 minutes. The rinse off, apply moisturizing cream, vaseline or zinc oxide ointment.
- Or put melon or watermelon slices for 30 minutes.
These remedies should be done at least once a week, and also prevent sun exposure to prevent negative results. And finally, don’t forget to take a warm water shower to soften your skin and use a pumice stone.
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