April 20, 2008

How to choose lipstick color according to zodiac sign

Have you ever bought a lipstick following your zodiac sign? If you haven’t, now you will have the chance to know what lipstick color works best for you and your sign according to this list elaborated by makeup artist Scotty Ferrell:

  • Aries. Adventurous, dynamic and enthusiastic; a wild red will look great on you.
  • Taurus. You are elegant and loving; a creamy mauve is your best choice.
  • Geminis. You are versatile, flexible and young at heart; choose a natural gloss.
  • Cancer. You are loving, emotional and imaginative; go for a tanned color with gloss.
  • Leo. You are creative, witty and generous; you will look with a pearly brown.
  • Virgo. You are enigmatic and sensual; a pearly rose will be your best color.
  • Libra. You are social, seductive and charming; a white pearly gloss will suit you splendidly.
  • Scorpio. You are passionate, powerful and intuitive; you will look fantastic in a metallic gold.
  • Sagittarius. You are optimistic, honest and philosophical; a creamy orange will be perfect for you.

  • Capricorn. You are fun, ambitious and disciplined; a dark brown is your best color.
  • Aquarius. You are loyal, friendly and independent; use a shiny copper.
  • Pisces. You are sensitive, unselfish and giving; you will look beautiful with a shiny beige.
Have a nice buy!

Source: EnFemenino


Anonymous said...


what about Sagittarius's traits???

BLQ Blogger said...

Added! Thx for noticing :)

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